Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Greetings to everyone that are probably viewing this because of a Google search about CPT II or through my profile link from another blog. *I'm smiling at you*

We now have three children. 

Since the last blog posts nothing major has happened in connection with CPT II. 

The only times it has come up: 

- recently when we were applying for a health cost sharing  group I realized I had no official paperwork proving Sarah doesn't have CPT II so for "Previous Health History" I had to explain our dilemma of CPT II since it is part of her history. Thankfully since she was weaned from all treatment shortly after she was one-years-old, she never showed any symptoms of CPT II. 

- at one point in the last few years she complained her legs felt tired. This made warning signs go off in my head because muscle fatigue is a warning sign for carnitine deficiency.  Since we never got a definitive medical answer as to whether did or did not have CPT II, I am aware that there is adult onset CPT II and so there is still a lingering haunting of CPT II. As I type this I'm combating anxiety about whether Sarah's lack of desire to ride a bike uphill is based on her personality, mental strength, or exercise intolerance (thus, a sign of CPT II). So CPT II still haunts us.

- when we are reminded how smart Sarah is. This is not intended to brag but is just a reality, Sarah is really smart. She recently took her 3rd grade beginning of year test (BOG) and scored 99%. When we are reminded of her smartness I might make a comment to her father or grandparents, "Thank you, daily levocarnitine supplements for the first year of her life as her brain was forming." Some of us had heard radio commercials advertising L-carnitine supplements to increase memory and brain function so we started joking that was one of the ways Sarah got extra smart as a baby. 

Well, there is our update. :-)

If you are at this blog because of a CPT II diagnoses for your child, I found the FOD Family Support Group to be so helpful during our struggle to understand all that is involved with the condition and treatment.