Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baby #2 is Born

Things are different.

The new baby is here.  She is just as beautiful as her big sister Sarah.

In the hospital I was very aware when they took our baby away for the newborn screening. It also seemed like the little prick mark from the newborn screening stayed visible for a week or two. We met with her pediartircian 4 days after she was born and he said that if anything was flagged they would call us. No news, was good news. We got no news. 
We can let her sleep. She still wakes up every 2-4 hours to eat but at least she is awake to eat.  With Sarah, we would try desperately to wake her up every 3 hours to eat and she usually would drink her bottle basically asleep.  It makes me think that Sarah would have been one of those newborns that would have slept a good chunk at a time.  I keep reminding myself not to think too much about what could've been if we hadn't gone through what we did with Sarah.  Both girls are beautiful and healthy, praise God! 

1 comment:

  1. I just saw this comment. I haven't kept tabs on this blog (obviously). I you get a notification and still, 3 and a half years later, want to chat, let me know. :-)
