The DNA test had been requested through the children's hospital in our county. Due to our switch in insurance, the results were being sent to the Kaiser metabolic clinic to be reviewed. We had not met the Kaiser metabolic team yet. We had to wait until the 10th to meet to discuss the results.
I was so excited. We had been praying that she would not have CPT II. Others had been praying that she would be healed but I didn't know how that prayer would really work considering we didn't even know if she had it in the first place. There would be no way to prove she was healed because we didn't have proof that she had it.

I decided to not give Sarah the elixir and just breastfeed for the 2 days we had to wait for the Kaiser metabolic appointment. I claimed that I would still wake her up every 3 hours just to be cautious, but I ended up letting her sleep longer. I wanted to treat her like a normal baby. She seemed great. She seemed more happy, played longer, and wasn't as tired. This also provided proof in my mind that Sarah was a normal baby.
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