Monday, March 2, 2009


During Sarah's first doctor's appointment, after he had informed me of Sarah's newborn screening results, the doctor mentioned that the most difficult thing that could happen is if we needed to switch insurance. This was not encouraging because we were in the process of switching our insurance over to Kaiser. We were going to begin getting our insurance through Jon's new job instead of through my job that I had before Sarah was born.

There were a few weeks that we were unsure whether we would need to pay out-of-pocket during the transition. The insurance coordinator at my school district was so helpful in figuring out how to get Sarah covered by my insurance for her first couple months of life and what the cost would be if she was denied coverage through Jon's work. The reasoning behind why Sarah may not be covered b Jon's insurance was because we found out about Sarah's possible CPT II diagnosis the morning of the same day that Jon was going to his school district to finish the paperwork for our new health insurance. Sometimes insurance companies can deny coverage based on preexisting conditions. Sarah is Jon's dependent so she was automatically accepted for the insurance. Praise God, that was one worry that was taken care of.

Luckily there were two months, August and September, of overlap coverage. I called the insurance companies and confirmed that care would be continued for Sarah and that no time would be wasted as we tried to figure out whether Sarah truly had CPT II. It turns out the metabolic clinic at the children's hospital had collaboration get-togethers every few months with the Kaiser metabolic clinic. They contacted the Kaiser clinic and informed them of Sarah to help make the transition smoother.

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