"Hello, My daughter is 2 months old and was flagged by the newborn screening as possibly having CPT2. We are feeding her a mixture (we call it "the elixir") of 50 grams Polycose, 10 grams ProViMin, 7 mL MCT oil, and water to make 11 ounces. One feeding we give her the elixir and then within 3-4 hours later I breastfeed, that is our pattern. Anyways, I think the elixir makes my daughter constipated. I'm thinking maybe it has to do with the type of iron in the ProViMin. On the elixir diet she can go 1-2 days without having a bowel movement. When I breastfeed alone she has a bowel movement basically every time she feeds or frequently throughout the day. Twice we have taken her off the elixir diet and just breastfeed for 2-3 days and after about a day she becomes regular again. When I have mentioned this to doctors and dietitians they either seem to ignore my concern or claim the elixir can't do that and recommend I ask my pediatrician. Considering I can't feed her just breast milk for fear of what too many long-chain fatty acids might do to her, we just feel like we have no options. I will follow the dietitians advice and ask my pediatrician at her appointment on Monday.
Anyone notice a similar problem or have have any thoughts about my hypothesis?"
When I asked her pediatrician, he said that a normal baby can have 1 bowel movement after every breastfeeding or they could go up to 7 days without a bowel movement (seems like too long in between for my comfort level). He said what matters is the consistency of the poop. If it is really dry and hard then that means Sarah is constipated. I stopped worrying then because the consistency was good. About a month or two after this post on the support group, Sarah seemed to have regular bowel movements.
*I wonder how Sarah will react when she is older if we ever tell her that I discussed her bowel movements on the Internet. :~)
This is a picture of the look Sarah would make when she was pooping. We called it "Blue Steel."
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